Samuel Richardson (1689-1761)

born: 19 August 1689
online resources
- Eaves, T.C. Duncan, and Ben D. Kimpel
(1971). Samuel Richardson: A Biography. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Carroll, John (ed.) (1964). Selected
Letters of Samuel Richardson. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Slattery, William (1969). The Richardson-Stinstra
Correspondence, and Stinstra's Prefaces to Clarissa. Carbondale:
Southern Illinois University Press.
- Ball, Donald L. (1976). 'Richardson's
resourceful wordmaking'. South Atlantic Bulletin 41. 56-65.
- Erämetsä, Erik (1952). 'Notes on
Richardson's Language". Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 53. 18-20.
- Ito, Hiroyuki (1991). 'Some observations on
the role of the verb in Richardson's Clarissa Harlowe'. In: Michio
Kawai (ed.), Language and Style in English Literature. Essays in Honour
of Michio Masui. Hiroshima: The English Research Association of
Hiroshima. 634-649.
- Keast,
William R. (1957).''The two Clarissa’s in Johnson’s Dictionary'. Studies
in Philology 54, 429-439.
- Murata,
Kazuho (2003). "Richardson's revision of Pamela and the use of
phrasal verbs". Studies in Modern English. The Twentieth Anniversary
Publication of The Modern English Association. Tokyo: Eichosha. 443-455.
- Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Ingrid (1991).
'Samuel Richardson's role as linguistic innovator: A sociolinguistic
analysis'. In: Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade and John Frankis (eds.), Language:
Usage and Description. Studies Presented to N.E. Osselton on the Occasion of
his Retirement. Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. 47-57. [Repr. in: Mats
Rydén, Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade and Merja Kytö (eds.) (1998), A
Reader in Early Modern English. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Tucker, Susie I. (1961). 'Predatings from
Samuel Richardson's Familiar Letters'. Notes and Queries 206. 56-57.
- Tucker, Susie I. (1966). 'Richardsonian
phrases'. Notes and Queries 211. 464-465.
- Uhrström, Wilhelm (1907). Studies on the
Language of Samuel Richardson. Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell.
- Wakimoto,
Kyoko. 1990. “The Vocabulary
of Samuel Richardson’s Pamela”.
ERA New Series (The
English Research Association of Hiroshima, Hiroshima University)
8, No. 1. 51-76.
- Wakimoto, Kyoko.
1991. “A Comparative Study of Richardson’s Pamela
and Fielding’s Shamela : Verbal
Characterization (1)”.
ERA New Series (The
English Research Association of Hiroshima, Hiroshima University)
9, No. 1. 38-58.
- Wakimoto, Kyoko.
1992. “A Comparative Study of Richardson’s Pamela
and Fielding’s Shamela : Verbal
Characterization (2)”. ERA
New Series (The English
Research Association of Hiroshima, Hiroshima University)
10, No. 1. 1-24.
- Wakimoto, Kyoko.
2003. “A Computer-Assisted Analysis of Richardson's Pamela
as a Founder of Sentimental Novels: Erämetsä (1951) Reconsidered”.
In: “FUL
ed. Kanno Masahiko. Tokyo:
Eihosha. 173-192.
of further interest
- Zirker Jr., Malvin R. (1966). 'Richardson's
correspondence: The personal letter as private experience'. In: Howard
Anderson, Philip B. Daghlian and Irvin Ehrenpreis (eds.), The Familiar
Letter in the Eighteenth Century. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press.
(for additions, contact Ingrid
Tieken-Boon van Ostade)