conference reports,
- 4th Late Modern English Conference, University of Sheffield, 27-29 May 2010. Deadline call for papers: 15 November 2009. More information can be found here.
- Letter Writing in Late Modern Europe, University of Bergamo, 18-19 June 2010. For more information please visit the conference website.
- Fourth Summer School on Historical Sociolinguistics, organised by HiSoN with support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Bristol, 9-16 August 2010, Brugge, Belgium. Conference website: http://www.bris.ac.uk/german/hison/summerschool2010
- 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, hosted by the Institute of English Studies, University of Pécs (Hungary), 23-27 August 2010. More information can be found on the conference website.
- Symposium on Robert Lowth commemorating his 300th Birthday, University of Leiden, 17-18 December 2010. Plenary speaker will be Carol Percy from the University of Toronto. The Call for Papers is now open. Please send a one-page abstract (double spaced) before 1 May to email@robertlowth.com. Notification of acceptance will be given within six weeks of that date. For further information, see the Robert Lowth website at www.robertlowth.com.
- HiSoN Conference, University of Leiden, 22-24 June 2011. More information about the conference can be found on the conference website: http://hum.leiden.edu/lucl/hison-conference/.
Conference reports
Third Late Modern English Conference (3LModE), University of Leiden, 29 August - 1 September 2007. Conference report by Fátima María Faya Cerquiero and Robin Straaijer.
- Colloque international de sociolinguistique historique du domaine gallo-roman: Enjeux et méthodologies d’un champ disciplinaire émergeant (“International colloquium on historical sociolinguistics in the gallo-romance domain: challenges and methodologies of an emerging discipline”), 8-9 June 2007, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Conference report by Wim Vandenbussche.
Studies in the History of the English Language 4
(SHEL-4), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Arizona, 30
September - 2 October 2005.
report by Stefan Dollinger.
Language History from
Below - Linguistic Variation in the Germanic Languages from
1700-2000, Bristol, England. 6 - 9 April 2005.
Nils Langer.
Conference report by Marijke van der Wal.
Studies in the History of the English Language 4 (SHEL
4), Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff Arizona, 30 September - 2
October 2005.
Susan Fitzmaurice.
Conference website.
Conference report by Stefan Dollinger to follow this month.
Examining the OED: The Oxford English
Dictionary, a magnificent achievement and a landmark in world
lexicography, is based on a wide selection of sources – five million
quotations, of which around two million are printed in the
dictionary. It quotes some genres and some types of author (for
example, literary texts and male writers) far more than others. Now
that the OED is electronically searchable, it is possible to
examine its representation of sources extensively as well as
intensively. Drawing on both electronic and archival resources, the
new research project Examining the OED, run by
Charlotte Brewer and
Christopher Whalen, sets out to illuminate the variations in the
OED’s coverage of texts and periods, and to provide important
information for the current Oxford lexicographers, who are engaged
on the first major revision ever to be undertaken of the dictionary.
(For more information on the OED, available online to individual and
institutional subscribers, click here.)
The Codifiers and the English Language - Ingrid Tieken-Boon
van Ostade (project leader).
just out:
- Stefan Dollinger. New Dialect Formation in Canada: Evidence from the English Modal Auxiliaries. John Benjamins Publishing.
- Richard Hogg and David Denison (eds.). A History of the English Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Susan Kermas and Maurizio Gotti (eds.). Socially-Conditioned Language Change: Diachronic and Synchronic Insights. Selected Papers of SLIN13. Lecce.
- E.F.K. Koerner. Universal index of Biographical Names in the Language Sciences. Studies in the History of the Language Sciences 113.
- Stephan Elspaß, Nils Langer, Joachim Scharloth
and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.), Germanic Languages 'from
Below' (1700-2000). Walter de Gruyter.

- Lyle Campbell & Mauricio J. Mixco (eds.), A
Glossary of Historical Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press.
- Ulrike Katrin Freitag. Geputztes Blumwerk und buntschäkkiger Wörterkram. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Mikko Laitinen. Agreement Patterns in English: Diachronic Corpus Studies on Common-Number Pronouns. Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki LXXI.
- Charles Jones, English Pronunciation in the
Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. Houndmills, Basingstoke,
Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
- J.C. Conde-Silvestre & J.M. Hernández-Campoy
(eds.), Sociolinguistics and the History of English: Perspectives
and Problems. Special issue of International Journal of
English Studies 5/1.
- Nils Langer and Winifred V. Davies (eds.),
Linguistic Purism in the Germanic Languages. Davies (eds.).
Berlin / New York: de Gruyter.
- Jan Noordegraaf. Een kwestie van tijd.
Vakhistorische studies. Münster: Nodus Publikationen.
- Joan C. Beal, English in Modern Times.
London: Arnold.
- Special edition of Paradigm:
The Teaching of English in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth
centuries, edited by Frances Austin and Christopher Stray.
Price £8.50 to non-members, including postage & packing. Orders,
with a cheque in sterling made out to the ‘Textbook Colloquium’,
please, to Dr C.A. Stray, Dept of Classics, University of Wales,
- Terttu
Nevalainen and Sanna-Kaisa Tanskanen (eds.) (2004), Letter
Writing. Special issue of Journal of Historical Pragmatics.
Ana, and Wim Vandenbussche (eds.) (2003). Germanic
Standardizations. Monash University/Vrije Universiteit Brussel/FWO
Marina, and Charles Jones (eds.) (2003). Insights into Late
Modern EnglishVol. 7 of Linguistic Insights - Studies in
Language and Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.
Nevalainen, Terttu and
Helena Raumolin-Brunberg (2003). Historical Sociolinguistics.
Oldireva Gustafsson,
Larisa (2002), Preterite and Past Participle Forms in English
1680-1790. Standardisation Processes in Public and Private Writing.
PhD dissertation, University of Uppsala. Acta Universitatis
Upsaliensis. Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia 120.
Lenz, Katja, and Ruth
Möhlig (eds.) (2002), Of Dyuersite & Chaunge of Language. Essays
Presented to Manfred Görlach on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday.
Heidelberg: C. Winter.
Historiografia da
Lingüística Brasileira, boletim VI, em homenagem a Ataliba Teixeira
de Calstilho, por ocasião de seu 65º aniversário.
Van de Velde, Hans, and
Roeland van Hout (eds.) (2001), "'r-atics. Sociolinguistic, phonetic
and phonological characteristics of /r/". Etudes et Travaux
4. Review.
Lambert ten Kate
Hermansz., Aenleiding tot de Kennisse van het Verhevene Deel der
Nederduitsche Sprake (1723). Two vols. in facs. 2001. With an
English Introduction, Lambert ten Kate and Linguistics by Jan
Noordegraaf and Marijke van der Wal.
Lambert ten Kate,
Gemeenschap tussen de Gotische Spraeke en de Nederduytsche, ed.
by Igor van de Bilt and Jan Noordegraaf. 2001. Facs. reprint
of the 1710 edition, with an introdcution. Amsterdam: Stichting
Neerlandistiek VU/ Münster: Nodus Publikationen.
Manfred Görlach (2001),
18th-century English, Heidelberg: C. Winter.
special issue of
EJES: Social
Network Analysis and the History of English, edited by Ingrid
Tieken-Boon van Ostade, Terttu Nevalainen and Luisella Caon.
The History
of English in a Social Context, edited by Dieter Kastovsky
and Arthur Mettinger.
Historiografia da Lingüística Brasileira, boletim V, em homenagem a
Aryon Dall'Igna Rodrigues, por ocasião de seu 75º aniversário.
Anpoll coordinator: Cristina Altman.
Wright, Laura (ed.). 2000. The
development of Standard English, 1300-1800: theories, descriptions,
conflicts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.